

Microsoft Word - Basic to Advance

About This Course

SansAnk Academy offers a comprehensive Microsoft Word course that provides in-depth training on essential features and functionalities of Microsoft Word. This course equips students with advanced skills in document creation, formatting, collaboration, and productivity.

What You'll Learn

The learning objective of this course is to enable students to proficiently utilize Microsoft Word for creating, formatting, and collaborating on various documents, enhancing their productivity and professional communication skills.

Course Details-Basic to Intermediate

Course Details-Basic to Advanced

Course Benefits


There are no specific eligibility criteria for the Microsoft Word course offered by SansAnk Academy. It is open to anyone interested in learning and improving their skills in using Microsoft Word.


10 sessions

Basic to Intermediate

A desktop is a personal computer system designed to sit on a desk and perform various tasks, including word processing. Microsoft Word is a widely used word processing software developed by Microsoft, allowing users to create, edit, and format documents with ease.


Asset 19-20

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