

User Stories Foundations Certificate by CertiProf®

About This Course

SansAnk Academy offers a comprehensive User Stories Foundations Certificate course. User stories are powerful tools for fostering cooperation and teaching valuable concepts. They establish a vital link between users or consumers and product or service developers. This relationship marks the initial significant step towards creating exceptional products that have a positive impact on users, potentially improving their lifestyles. This dynamic course/workshop provides fundamental knowledge about the main characteristics of User Stories as communication tools among team members and individuals interested in product or service development projects, whether from technology fields or other business areas.

What You'll Learn

Course Details

Certification Exam

Course Benefits


This course is appropriate for anyone interested in using the techniques related to user stories, who are or will be involved in agile projects with frameworks such as Scrum; also, for those interested in projects that are in the value chain of providing features or requirements to product or service development teams


10 sessions for 2 weeks

User stories are a technique used in agile software development to capture requirements from the perspective of the end user or customer. They are brief, informal descriptions of a feature or function that a user needs in order to accomplish a particular goal. User stories are meant to be simple, concise, and easily understandable, and they serve as a way to keep the focus of development on the needs of the user.

Asset 53-80

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